Friday, March 31, 2006
Road to the gully
Seasonal extremes: sunbeams sneak in under a summer raincloud to light up the fields at the MCG Ranch in western Montana.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Lake McDonald
In contrast to our summer flower below, here is a study in grays and blacks. This photo is from a webcam situated in Glacier National Park overlooking Lake McDonald. Wednesday afternoon, the sun was struggling to get through the clouds, creating a scene of unearthly beauty. You can go to the link below at any time during the day and witness some spectacular sights, usually in vivid colors. I do enjoy this window on the world; here is the link:
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Prairie Smoke
A delicate wildflower taken near Montana's Smith River in a June twilight.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Swan Valley in the fall
In keeping with our seasonal extremes theme, here's the sun warming a woodland glade in Montana's Swan Valley.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Turning the corner
Well, I've been thinking...maybe I've given March a bad rap! [See previous posts.] Today the air was translucent and the sun was warm on our shoulders as we walked in the woods. I'll continue our theme of seasonal extremes here on the blog, because I'm enjoying finding photos that contrast with one another so strongly. But I can't complain about "leaden skies and sullen snows" today!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Lush green springtime
I'm posting a series of seasonal extremes just help me remember that visions like this one are close at hand. Soon a delicate green mist will overtake the hills, to be followed by fresh vivid colors bursting out everywhere!
This was taken in Iowa County, Wisconsin, on our little family plot as we were inspecting spring's offerings on a warm afternoon.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Fall sunset
Contrast and seasonal change: how faithfully the water reflects the sky's display. Taken in Iowa County, Wisconsin.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Window into infinity
We're into contrast now; to promote a break in our gray March weather we'll post some pictures of all seasons, with varying topography and geography. This was taken in Canyonlands in Utah, a magnificent desert with an endless array of color. Erosion by wind and water has sculpted fantastic shapes here and laid bare the layers of earth's structure.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Clearwater River, Montana
We're back in western Montana with a mid-winter photo of the Clearwater River locked in ice and snow just south of Seeley Lake. Because March tends toward leaden skies and sullen slush with only a hint of warming, I'm going to move us toward a break in the weather by posting a series of photos that show seasonal extremes. Next up: summer heat.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The open road: A Chilean chronicle
In February, I joined a group biking through the Andes Mountains, crossing from Argentina to Chile. A magical combination of mountains, water, light, and friendliness made me feel very much at home in both beautiful countries. I hope to distill some of this experience here, using themes rather than chronology to tie threads together. [Note: some of the Chile pix are to be found in the February archive; find the archive listing under the photo strip in the left column.]
Upcoming photos will provide a glimpse into scenes of light and shadow.
This was taken at Los Lingues Hacienda in Chile's Central Valley.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Chefs in Chilean restaurant
Upcoming photos will provide a glimpse into scenes of light and shadow.
Here is a pair of chefs in a Santiago restaurant conferring together.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Dappled sun at Cauquenes Hot Springs
Upcoming photos will provide a glimpse into scenes of light and shadow.
These luscious grapes were ripening in the sun at Cauquenes Hot Springs in Chile. Having lunch in the dappled light under the arbor of grapevines was lovely indeed.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Sunrise over Puerto Varas, Chile
Upcoming photos will provide a glimpse into scenes of light and shadow.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Wobbly legs
A classic scene of mother and baby strolling through the sunshine of a grassy meadow by Lake Rupanco in Chilean Patagonia.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Chilean church in the woods
Upcoming photos will explore some of the churches that we encountered on our trip.
This church, surrounded by luxuriant woodland and gardens, was on the road to Puerto Octay.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Church on the shores of Llanquihué
Upcoming photos will explore some of the churches that we encountered on our trip.
This was taken enroute to Parque National Vincente Perez Rozales, discussed in a February post.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Happy Birthday Alex and Bud!
Red roadside church
Upcoming photos will explore some of the churches that we encountered on our trip.
Here is a little roadside church set against the lush countryside on the west slope of the Andes Mountains.
Monday, March 13, 2006
A special grotto
Here is a little grotto set into the side of a hill by a churchyard in Puerto Octay, Chile. Note the fresh flowers tenderly placed around Mary's feet. I've seen monuments to Catholicism both grandiose and exceedingly humble in France, Spain and Chile in the past year. While not Catholic myself, it's impossible to write my impressions of any of these countries without acknowledging the importance of this faith to the people who live there. I'm well aware that historically this religion was imposed upon the peoples of South America, but it is now deeply interwoven into community life. It is interesting to visit churches in different places to see how the original culture and building materials of the locale have combined with the religious imagery. The history of the souls who have worshipped there always seems very present.
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Intimations of mortality in Patagonia
Upcoming photos will provide a glimpse at the profusion of flowers we found everywhere.
In many places, we had small reminders of mortality framed by riotously growing wildflowers and lush rolling countryside. Roadside shrines, graveyards, statues of saints and the Virgin Mary - each a gentle reminder that life on earth is fleeting.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Central Valley scene in Chile
Upcoming photos will provide a glimpse at the profusion of flowers we found everywhere.
This fencepost view was taken in Chile's Central Valley area south of Santiago. This semi-arid scene is on the east side of the Andes, a striking contrast to the lush foliage and woodlands on the Pacific side. As do our Rockies, the west slope of the mountains catches much of the rainfall, creating very different ecosystems in areas that are not geographically very far apart.
Friday, March 10, 2006
Chilean rose
Upcoming photos will provide a glimpse at the profusion of flowers we found everywhere.
This beauty was taken in a little churchyard by the side of the road between Termas de Puyhue and Puerto Octay in Chile. The "hot poker" picture (orange flowers posted previously) was taken in the same place. I must confess I lingered in places like this with my camera when I was supposed to be making tracks on my bike. I'm glad I did, however, because I can relive these lovely spots many times over with a little help from digital technology!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Ballet of the fuschia blossoms
Upcoming photos will provide a glimpse at the profusion of flowers we found everywhere.
Not a flower expert, I am relying on my friends' info that these lovely things are fuschia. These grew everywhere by the side of the road. Just look at the grace of these delicate tendrils arching toward the earth; quite a contrast from the assertive hibiscus below with its face turned outward and petals strongly unfurled. I've said before how indebted I am to photography, as it has helped me see nature's tiny wondrous details so much more clearly. And what a privilege it is to be able to relive scenes that would otherwise only be a momentary blur in memory.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Upcoming photos will provide a glimpse at the profusion of flowers we found everywhere. I’m not a flower expert, so I don’t even know the names of some of these…but they were beautiful…
A hibiscus, taken at an ancient hacienda in Chile's central valley known as "Los Lingues." The flowers here were a feast for the senses.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
"Hot Poker" flowers
Upcoming photos will provide a glimpse at the profusion of flowers we found everywhere. I’m not a flower expert, so I don’t even know the names of some of these…but they were beautiful…
We were told that this is known as the “hot poker” flower.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Blue and white
Upcoming photos will explore the marvelous shades of blue in waters, skies and unexpected places.
In a boat on Lake Nahuel Huapi, a Chilean girl feeds crackers to the swooping gulls.
Craggy blue
Upcoming photos will explore the marvelous shades of blue in waters, skies and unexpected places.
Peaks above Lake Nahuel Huapi in Argentina.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Blues and greens: lagoon in the Andes
Upcoming photos will explore the marvelous shades of blue in waters, skies and unexpected places.
Here is a little gem of a lagoon just beyond the rugged and arid divide that marks the boundary between Argentina and Chile. To our group, inured to winter chill, it was almost stunning to be suddenly in lush summertime like this. This photo was taken coming down from Cardenal Samore Pass in the Andes toward Termas de Puyhye in Chilean Patagonia.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Hazy blue
Upcoming photos will explore the marvelous shades of blue in waters, skies and unexpected places.
Taken while riding along the shore of Lake Nahuel Huapi on the east side of the Andes in Argentina.
Paradise blue
Upcoming photos will explore the marvelous shades of blue in waters, skies and unexpected places.
Taken while riding along the shore of Lake Nahuel Huapi on the east side of the Andes in Argentina.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Patchy blue on the west side of the Andes
Upcoming photos will explore the marvelous shades of blue in waters, skies and unexpected places.
This was taken while riding down from Cardenal Samore Pass in the Andes toward Termas de Puyhye.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Glowing blue in the evening
Upcoming photos will explore the marvelous shades of blue in waters, skies and unexpected places.