Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Spring festival

Spring festival, originally uploaded by Bitterroot.

Taken in Madison, Wisconsin.


those gorgeous flowers are a welcome sight for those of us looking at a snow-covered hill!
That is so vibrant! I love the framing on this image. Yes, we are looking at snow here. Enjoy your flowers.
janieknits and quiet paths, I was stunned to check my Swan webcam this morning and find the valley covered with snow again! Wow. Let's hope Montana has paid its dues early and there won't be a single forest fire plume anywhere in the northern Rockies.
With some hesitation, I've tagged you for one of those "memes." Feel free to respond in images . . .
great pic... tulips and bluebells and unusual combination
What a beautiful photo, such vibrant color. Looking at it, I can almost smell the fragrance of the season.
Thank you for visiting, amba, troutbirder, and Pam. Good friends all.
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