Sunday, December 18, 2005


Light and shadow on the Seine

The Seine, Paris, originally uploaded by Bitterroot.

I can certainly see why an annual festival of lights at the time of the winter solstice has been important for thousands of years in so many parts of the world. The darkness that comes earlier and earlier every day has a palpable effect, creating that age-old urge to illuminate and push back the shadows. I've decided to celebrate the winter solstice by looking at light. For the next few days, we'll explore different dimensions of light in honor of the solstice. We'll look at sunrises, sunsets, shadows, and shimmering waters. Here's the Seine River in Paris, glimmering in the lights of mid-winter.

I tend to think of Christmas as more of a solstice celebration than a birth. The lights are so clearly necessary during this dark time of year. Did you ever see the Northern Exposure where Chris collected every light in town for his giant art project?
Hi, I didn't see that, but It's a great idea! It seems that each year I become more and more aware of the waxing and waning of the light. At this time of year, the shadows actually start growing long at 2:30 in the afternoon.
Yeah, the sun doesn't last long in these dark months. Yesterday was beautiful, though. I forced myself to get out and walk, and I'm so glad I did.
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