Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Paris street market

Paris street market, originally uploaded by Bitterroot.

Ah, the wonders of blogdom...I love being able to careen about from place to place geographically and thematically.

We're still thinking about texture, with France as our immediate subject. Here is a Paris street market on a blustery winter morn. Truly a feast for the eyes as well as the palate! Just reliving this, my eye is enjoying the angles of the wall art and the handwritten slates as a backdrop to the artfully arranged veggies. I can also feel the chilly wind on the back of my neck!

As with all photos, this scene is best viewed large. See instructions in the column to the left.

You're right about the large size. I can see so much more detail that way. I love the tiled wall in the center, the stripy fabric hanging as a skirt in front of the veggie table ... the neatly lined up rows of jellies and preserves and (salad?) dressings in the back. This reminds me SO MUCH of the Pike Street Market in Seattle ... I used to do my weekly shopping there every Wednesday morning before my university classes. My best friend and I would take the bus down to Pike Street about 6:00 am and arrive just when all the vendors/farmers/fish guys were still setting up. Our ritual was to eat breakfast at the Athenian -- a delicious Greek cafe with great ambiance early in the morning when it was filled with talkative working folk. After several cups of coffee, the stalls were usually ready and we'd ramble through to buy our veggies, fruits, flower-honeys, fish, italian delicacies and curry spices ... and of course (!) our obligatory armloads of fresh-cut flowers. Oh, to have a farmer's market like that where we live now! I'd give up something substantial! (but not living in Montana - no, that I could not give up...)

Edith, you are so lucky to be able to travel to all these wonderful places. I'm glad you are documenting their beauty, their essence, their character before some of them sadly disappear. I hope these places are always there ... for everyones' sake. Thank you so much for all your wonderful photos, my friend.
I love those markets too! I'm glad we have 'em in Wisconsin...
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