Saturday, September 10, 2005


A brief transition...

Mont St. Michel, Normandy, originally uploaded by Bitterroot.

Dear faithful blog readers,

I am posting this photo of Mont St. Michel in France as a signal for a brief transition. I'll be in Madrid, Spain for 10 days as part of my work as a medical educator. I'm in charge of an international consensus conference, so there won't be much time for the dear old camera! But I will try to do some posting from the trip either while I'm there or when I return after 10 days.

I am very fortunate that my work takes me to such interesting spots. My job took me to France in February; I still have yet to post those photos here. The 1,000-year-old abbey above is in Normandy (click on the pic to view a larger size and then click the All Sizes button in Flickr.) It's one of the most wondrous places I've ever seen. Here is a link to learn more about Mont St. Michel.

Pristine places abound in all parts of the world, and I hope to capture a very few of them in detail for this little blog. To my faithful readers, thank you so much for your interest in this blog. It is your regular visits that keep me posting and thinking about what might be an interesting next entry. I will begin again upon my return...

Oh, thank goodness. I saw the picture and thought "That looks like Mont St. Michel. I didn't think there were any mesas in Montana." Imagine my relief, not entirely losing it after all.

be careful while having as much fun as possible, and taking pictures when you can.
I hope that you will find the time for some photos - we're waiting!
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